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17 Easy Home Organization Tips

Photo of bowl of pistachios and dry grasses in vase on tray by Micaela Alejandro on Pexels

Updated 2024.07.29. This post contains affiliate links and Useful Roots will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on these links.

Keeping your home organized can be a relaxing activity that brings ease to your life.

Imagine how you’ll feel when you can find anything you need, right when you need it, because you know exactly where it is. Imagine the time you’ll save no longer searching around for misplaced items.

You can save time and energy when organizing your space.

With all the goods that are increasing and decreasing in your home all the time, keeping an orderly space can take some effort to set up.

Once you begin the process of organizing your home, though, just a little bit of tidying every day can help keep your space organized for the long run.

It is possible to find where everything is easily, live in a tidy space, and keep things neat.

Below are 17 easy ways to organize your home and keep it that way:

Photo of amber bottle, pump bottle, sponge and brush in caddy by Ron Lach on Pexels

1 - Do your laundry several times a week

When you do a few smaller loads throughout the week, your favorite clothes are always clean. It also prevents laundry from piling up and mold from forming on wet laundry, like towels.

2 - Use collapsable laundry baskets

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3 - Clean your kitchen right after you use it

Do your dishes, clean pots and pans, and wipe down your counters right after you make a meal. This keeps kitchen pests at bay and makes it easy to step up and use the space as soon as you need to make your next meal.

4 - Store things in clear, stackable containers

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This helps you identify where things are quickly and visually. It also saves time as you no longer have to dig, creating new messes.

5 - Store like things with like

Put all your essential oils in one spot, all your skincare in one area, and all your silverware in one drawer. Do the same for your writing utensils, socks, hobby supplies and all other like items. That way when you need to find something electronic, you know it'll be in the electronics drawer.

6 - Create an outgoing/incoming area

Designate a certain area of your home for things being returned or given away, and for things that are coming in and need to be dealt with. This could be a mail basket, a space on your desk or a spot in your entryway.

7 - Give every item a home

As you tidy your home, pick things up and put them in a reasonable spot. Try to choose a spot near where they’ll be used frequently. 

This is the item’s home. Anytime you see the item not in use and anywhere other than it’s home, put it back.

8 - Corral shelved items using trays

With items you use regularly that are stored on counters or shelving, put them together in a tray designated for that use.

For example, if you have a supply of daily teas on the counter, put them in a tea basket to select from. If you like to keep your toothbrush and toothpaste out, place them in a designated dental care tray.

9 - Arrange things according to how often you use them

Keep daily use stuff out close by and in plain sight. Take things you use occasionally and store them farther away from your everyday areas, like in the attic, basement, spare closet, garage or under the bed.

10 - Use jars to contain groups of small items

Extra buttons, paperclips, pens and cords can all be stored in spare jars.

11 - Sort your refrigerator like a grocery store

Place dairy, produce, meats, sweet treats, and condiments together. Group meals in meal kit sections. Do the same thing for your pantry with your dry goods - put baking supplies, breakfast foods and pet items with each other.

12 - Label your cords

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13 - Opt for furniture with embedded storage

When acquiring new furniture, like a pantry cart or television stand, make sure it has extra storage for organizing items in their respective spaces.

14 - Turn the “junk drawer” into a “utility drawer”

Turn your junk drawer into a place where you store your utility items - box cutters, lighters, twine, scissors, batteries and measuring tape. 

Inside the drawer, place like items together in storage containers without their lids on.

15 - Create a grab and go cleaning kit

Store all your multi-purpose cleaning supplies together. Include your favorite sprays, sponges, gloves, a bucket and anything else you need for ready use whenever everyday spills occur.

16 - Add labels

Add labels to bags in your freezer, storage bins, document folders and unmarked containers. This helps you easily identify what you need without rummaging through it all.

17 - Color code

Use colors to sort items belonging to certain people, places and tasks. You can color code using scrapbooking or masking tape.

Photo of dried grains and beans in glass labeled jars by cottonbro studio on Pexels with text overlay 17 Easy Home Organizing Tips

Our brains enjoy order. Visual clutter is known to increase cognitive overload, reduce working memory, decrease your ability to focus and contribute to stress and anxiety.

When you organize your home, by doing things like placing like items together, keeping items you don’t use every day out of sight, and giving things a home, it reduces clutter and all the negative impacts of clutter.

Once your home is organized, you can keep it that way by:

  • Finding homes for new items right when they arrive

  • Putting things back in their homes at the end of every day

  • Seasonally decluttering items that are broken, too shabby to use anymore and past their expiration date

Organizing your home can help you be more productive, clear your mind and create a space you can enjoy and relax in.

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