How To Want Less of Anything

Image abstract green and black plant shapes by mlinchik from Pixabay

Updated 2024.10.02

When you desire something that is unavailable at the current moment, it can create a strong sense of lack, even if you already have plenty to be grateful for.

When a desire is unavailable to you for any reason - the funds to achieve it, it’s not in stock, you aren’t in a position to acquire it, and so on, keep in mind, you have the power to release this desire.

There is nothing wrong with wanting things. We all want things all the time.

However, there are many ways we trick ourselves into believing that something is a need, when it’s not. To want less, whether that something is a material object, a relationship or an experience, read on.

Below are five ways to need and want less of anything:

Image of plant in a vase drawing in neutral tones by TianaZZ from Pixabay

1 - When you’re denied something, you want it less in the end

Research shows that when a group of people are denied something they were promised, when they do receive that thing, they are more unhappy with it and willing to trade it, than if they had been given the item right away.

Think about this. You desire something and are denied the receiving of it. Now it’s here and you loathe the darn thing! Once you get it, you want that thing out of here as soon as possible.

If you want something that you can’t have, consider that if you are ever able to get it, you might hate it in the end, anyway.

2 - Consider everything you already have been given

Humans need very little to survive.

If you needed to, you could most likely get by bathing in the river, living off the food handouts you could find, using a bike for transportation and basic shelter from the rain. You could tolerate a shared bathroom.

You could go without so many luxuries.

But chances are, you enjoy a few luxuries. For example, you have the internet to read this right now. You also likely have food that you selected to eat today. Maybe you even have your own shower!

You’re likely living with more luxury than you consciously recognize, so take a moment to pause and recognize how lucky you are to have what you already have.

3 - Solve your problem without buying anything

When you have a problem, sometimes the immediate thought is to buy something as the solution.

Next time you have a strong desire to buy anything, simply acknowledge it - ah, a desire to buy. It’s here. 

Now, imagine that thought floating off into the ethers with all your other ideas. Instead of buying, ask yourself if there is a way to solve the problem with what you have.

We often do this on our own. We buy an item that needs to be shipped and, between the time of purchase and the time it arrives, we’ve solved the problem and now want to return what we’ve bought. We don’t need that thing anymore.

4 - Imagine you already have it

Whatever it is you want, pretend in your mind that you already have it. 

Take a few deep breaths in, and imagine the feelings of having it flood your body, notice how good you feel. See if you can give the feeling a name. Take a moment to bask in these positive feelings.

Ask yourself internally what you can do right now to create that feeling.

One reason we want anything is because we believe that if we have it, we’ll feel better. With this activity, you can feel better without the actual having of it - just by the thinking that you do.

5 - Do a wants vs. needs evaluation

If you need something and don’t get it, it may result in disease or death. 

If you want something and don’t get it, it may result in disappointment. 

It’s that simple. Whenever you want or think you need something, carefully define if it's a necessary need using the qualifiers above before taking action.

Also, check out this wants vs. needs chart. Weigh whatever “it” is that you desire against this chart. Remind yourself that you only have to have it if it’s a need.

Image abstract green and black plant shapes by mlinchik from Pixabay with text overlay How To Want Less of Anything

These are just a few of the ways you can want and need less of anything, especially the non-essential things.

When you want and need less to be happy, you may experience benefits like:

  • You need to work fewer hours to support yourself

  • You can thrive in a smaller living space, with fewer expenses

  • You have more free time, as your hours are no longer filled with acquiring

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