Best Cleaner To Remove Nicotine Tar From Walls
Updated 2024.07.19. This page contains affiliate links and this site earns from qualifying purchases made through these sponsored links.
We are currently rehabbing a mobile home as a team. The home we are restoring previously housed a smoker and the walls, ceilings and carpeting are heavily stained with yellow and brown nicotine tar stains.
It’s important to clean the nicotine tar residue off the walls of any property before you paint them as the nicotine plant, when combusted, creates a sticky tar which is an oily resin.
Getting any substance off the walls before you paint them will ensure your paint job is enjoyed and lasts for years to come.
If you’re removing nicotine stains from walls and ceilings, we have tried a few different cleaners in our process and want to share with you, with photos, what we have found to work the best for cleaning yellowed walls from years of smoke.
The cleaners we tested to remove nicotine from walls were:
- Simple Green
- Dawn Dish Soap and Baking Soda
- Scrubbing Bubbles
Let’s look at some photos of the cleaners we tested and a description of our results using each.
1st Cleaner Attempt: Dawn Dish Soap & Baking Soda
Below you will see the comparison photo of using Dawn Dish Soap & Baking Soda (left) VS Scrubbing Bubbles (right) to clean the walls:
2nd Cleaner Attempt: Simple Green
See picture below for two passes after Simple Green (left) and before Simple Green (right):
3rd Cleaner Attempt: Scrubbing Bubbles (name brand)
See picture below, before Scrubbing Bubbles (top), after Scrubbing Bubbles (bottom):
The ceiling area that is white has been cleaned with Scrubbing Bubbles, the area that is golden brown has not.
When using any of these cleaners, remember to always wear eye protection, gloves and ventilate the area well.
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