Saving Money By Not Feeding The Hungry Ghost

Photo of Buddha statue in lush green vegetation by David Bartus on Pexels

Photo of Buddha statue in lush green vegetation by David Bartus on Pexels

Updated 2024.07.19

In Buddhism, there is a concept called the Hungry Ghost. Hungry Ghosts are beings tormented by their cravings and desires, unable to ever be satiated.

They’re depicted as having tiny mouths and throats, with swollen bellies. There’s no end to consumption for them - they will continue to consume forever and it will never be enough.

These beings are defined by their attachments to their cravings.

A Hungry Ghost can also be described as an intensely emotional craving that is a desperate, animalistic attempt to fill a void.

Oftentimes, the Hungry Ghost wants you to fill that void by buying or consuming something that you don’t really need. By not always feeding the never ending desires of the Hungry Ghost within, you can save yourself some money.

Below are 6 ways to avoid feeding the Hungry Ghost within to save money:

Image of text More & More in flames by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Image of text More & More in flames by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

1 - Acknowledge The Hungry Ghost

The Hungry Ghost always wants more, more, more and right now, even when you already have what you need to get by at the moment.

When you notice yourself obsessing over attaining more than what you have and needing it today, take a deep breath and tell yourself that you’re practicing discipline over your desires right now.

2 - Listen To Your Voice Beneath The Voice

What does the Hungry Ghost really want? Is it afraid of missing out? What does it truly seek? You may find that your desire is really a deeper, inner need that can be met by the enoughness that you already have.

3 - Appease The Hungry Ghost With Something You Have

Maybe there’s a product or item you’ve pre-purchased that can satisfy this craving. You may want to check your cabinets and inventory to see if something it wishes to have is already present in your pantry.

4 - Put It On Hold

If it’s not a medical requirement, or related to shelter, transportation and utilities, you are probably safe to put what the Hungry Ghost wants on hold. Wait and see if the craving or desire passes. A lot of times, when intense cravings arise due to the Hungry Ghost being present, they are temporary. 

5 - Ask Another Frugal Person What To Do

Ask a frugal friend, partner or family member who loves you dearly if they think you need to get what the Hungry Ghost is craving. If your caring but very frugal friend says no, you know it’s likely something you can let go.

In lieu of a friend, pretend you have a prudent, economical and also skint person who lives inside you, what would they tell you to do?

6 - I Don’t Need Everything Other People Have

The Hungry Ghost is often activated by seeing what other people are doing and it wants that as well. It’s jealousy through awareness. Remind yourself you don’t know everything about another person’s life or financial situation, and therefore, don’t need to be doing the exact same thing to be happy. 

Image of small statues covered in moss by Jordy Meow from Pixabay

Image of small statues covered in moss by Jordy Meow from Pixabay

You can save money by not feeding the constant, never-ending stream of desires and cravings for more. Some desires can be acknowledged and released or met in other ways than spending money.

By not giving into the torment of constant craving, you’ll avoid wasting money on stuff that isn’t going to result in true happiness anyway, since once you consume that, it will just be replaced by yearning for the next desire.

Not giving into the Hungry Ghost is also a stepping stone on the Buddhist journey to enlightenment, since freedom from desire, is part of the goal of that spiritual practice.

So to end, if you say no to the Hungry Ghost, you’ll not only save yourself some time on the search and money from not buying it, but depending who’s asking, you’ll be on the path to enlightenment too.

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Saving Money by Not Feeding the Hungry Ghost text overlay Buddha statue in woods

Saving Money by Not Feeding the Hungry Ghost text overlay Buddha statue in woods


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